Help me start a Joyful Productivity revolution!


Joyful Productivity isn’t about getting more done.

Joyful Productivity is about getting more of the right things done
AND being your best self along the way.

When you resist the seductive pull of efficiency traps;
when you set down the burden of other people’s expectations;
when you move forward with a values and purpose-driven life.

When you do these things, you will be
Grounded… Confident….and Joyfully Productive!


Joyful Productivity is critical when you are ready for, or in the midst of:

New Chapters

Starting new chapters at work and home often requires new skills and mindsets.
We will honor what has served you well, explore what you need going forward, and practice new ways of doing and being
so you can move forward with confidence!

First Steps

Are you excited for a challenge or opportunity but just can’t get started?
A first step can feel like a leap of faith. We will design your plan and get you started so it doesn’t feel like a freefall.

Making adjustments to Thrive

Life is complex and filled with competing priorities within and across different spheres of your life. We will dig into what drives your ambition, what fills your cup, and how to manage your energy, time, and expectations for a Joyfully Productive life!


To learn about my 1:1 Retainer engagements, Target Coaching package, and Assessment offerings